Outside the kids had started to sing, what could it mean? rain on the way, a village coup?
Later in the day I went for a stroll and as usual was followed by a horde of children. I would turn round every now and again, screw my face up and run at them growling, they would flee like chickens at slaughter time, but after a few minuets would return again.
I noticed something moving at the side of the road and homed in to investigate, sweet baby Jesus it was a large black scorpion, I moved closer to it, and it reared up in a wanton act of aggression. Sod that I said to myself and backed off. It made my skin crawl just to look at it, and unusually I did not have my camera with me. So you will just have to take my word for it...
Could I really live up here with things like this wandering aimlessly around?
Day 8 - I realised today that I have not seen one single game of the Rugby world cup, this was unlike me as I'm an avid fan, but somehow it didn't seem to bother me.
Observation - Its funny looking at the youngsters walking around the village with T-shirts on emblazoned with slogans like, Playboy, Megadeath, and I'm a dirty bad girl. They have no idea what any of them say, ha ha ha.
In a fit of god knows what, I wander outside and and stupidly involve myself in a game of 'keepie uppie' with the kids. Within 5 minuets I am completely soaked in sweat. Back inside and shower again.
I wander outside and sit down to write my diary, a small baby looks up at me and gurgles, an adult swiftly walks over and gives it a whack on the backside. At the same time a bloody chicken decides to peck me on the toe, I let out an involuntary yelp and stand up, the adult whacks the kid again, as if its his fault. I decide its better to stay out of sight for the time being and retire gracefully to my shack.
18:00, veggies, rice and 2 large beers then to bed.
Day 9 - My trousers are becoming looser due to the fact I'm eating better and less food.
Very quite today as its Monday and all the small folk have gone to school. I may go to the local market today, then again I may not.
I generally have two good poos in the morning and can not venture out until this has been accomplished or serious trouble will occur. Due to the hot Issan food, when I feel the need I'd better take heed!
Ventured into Surin about noon and did some shopping. Its also a good time to break up some large notes, as you cant spend them in Sanom. The local shop keepers just give you a sort of pained, you must be joking look. Having a thousand bart note up here in the boondocks is akin to no money at all.
Day 10 - Up early as some very loud Thai music being played somewhere or other. All bangs, bells, and lots of weeeeing and whaaaaing. Some sort of big Buddha day tomorrow.
Its strange that these poor farmers don't have much money for food or clothes, but feel the need to spend what is obviously a load of cash on a sound system that has enough power to fill the Albert hall!
Saw Joy hanging out the washing and saunter over to give her a hand. This lasted about 1 minute as apparently I was using the wrong hangers or something? They all looked the same to me. Chickens grub....
I wander over to one of the village men, who immediately looks horrified. I ask in my most articulate English if he thought the current American fiscal problems would soon resolve itself? He promptly ran away, giving me worried looks over his shoulder as he went.... ha ha ha.
Day 11 - Its school sports day today and I have been invited. I'm looking forward to it.
On arrival all the kids were formed into lines of red, green, blue and yellow shirts. Drums and bells were then struck with alarming regularity and all the kids started marching around, many of them in the wrong direction. Teachers ran from under sun covers and rounded them up, beating them as they did. This went on for about an hour after which the serious business of the races began. After a few were run, Joy sat bolt upright and said go go go. Go where I asked, go there. Apparently I had been given the honour of presenting some of the medals to the race winners. I strode purposfully toward the winners podium. Each child was given a small medal attached to a ribbon. Gold for first, silver for second and bronze for third. I thought the medals were just tacky bits of paper, but later found out that they contained a small ammount of money.
The looks of pure terror on the kids faces as I approached them was so comical I had to laugh, this had the effect of making them look more terrified. I thought one small girl looked near to fainting as I lowered the medal over her head. All in all it was a great day.
Day 12 - There is a local village man who is obviously a bit simple, he just wanders around laughing to himself and staring at people. It suddenly occured to me that that was my usual pattern of events, ergo I am the village idiot!
Heading back to Hua Hin today, and I have to say that I will really miss it here, its so peaceful and tranquilic.
I'll let you into a secret, the picture at the top of this piece is a bit of land I aquired, and I will be building a house here early next year. Thats how much I like it here.....