Having some big arse monsoon's at the moment due to storms coming in from China, Ning went out today to buy some rice and came back looking like a drowned rat! Still good for the garden.
Decided to give the old patella another weeks rest then I'm going to haul my fat old torso all over Hua Hin in a desperate attempt to shed some more kilo's.
Some people have asked me exactly where I am living? well if you look at the map on the left (you can click to enlarge) I am in Prachuapkhirikhan the thinnest part of Thailand which is on the right hand side below Bangkok.
I Have been listening to my new ipod a lot through the stereo, in fact the dulcet tones of Sir Elton John's 'Rocket Man' are emanating from the speakers even as I write this.
(sound of tremendous thunder clap occurs) If the rain keeps up I may be in for the evening....Hey ho.